
Review of GrafixDeals - A Boost When I Needed It Most

I recently recieved this wonderful review from a fellow Platinum Seller which (sorry for being mushy) brought me to tears. 

I don't think community members who utilize the services of people like myself realise just how much words of confirmation mean to us. I've had other wonderful comments of course for which I am also immeasurably grateful.

We all have our trials and challenges to live through that are going on behind the scenes that few know about, and sometimes when one is close to throwing in the towel, words like this are the much needed boost that make it worth while and keep you going.

I try to be peppy and upbeat because of course as a Zazzle mentor that's my job, to keep you afloat, pushing forward and feeling optimistic about what you're doing. But in reality I am battling health issues, mental and physical and sometimes the fatigue I feel is like swimming in unprocessed vegatable soup. I falter, I am fallible, I make mistakes, I am over sensitive. 

I am not picture perfect.

So thank you , all of you of keep me going when I stop believing in myself and the value I can give to the Zazzle community.