The Zazzle Hustle: Balancing Creativity and Health - Is Zazzling gonna be the death of us?

Hey Zazzlers!

Sorry for the extreme title ...but I do wonder sometimes if carrying on with Zazzle is good for my health and I know others are similarly conflicted or in a 'we can't manage without it' situation. Victims of our own success?


So let's talk about something a little more serious than design trends and sales strategies. As passionate Zazzle creators, we often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our creative pursuits that we forget to take care of ourselves. 

Sleep... What 's that? 


Here's a few ways we are not helping ourselves as self-employed entrepreneurs.

Sedentary Lifestyle: Sitting at a computer for long hours which can contribute to various health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and back pain. This is serious stuff.

Eye Strain: Staring at screens for extended periods can cause eye strain, headaches, and blurred vision. I now need glasses full-time as my previously perfect distance vision is now lap-top limited!

Stress and Burnout: The pressure to constantly create new designs and meet sales goals, twist ourselves into knots complying with the latest Zazzle platform changes. Dips in sales we have no control over. All this can lead to stress, burnout, and even depression and anxiety. We've all been there and more so now than ever.

Sleep Deprivation: The excitement of creating and the desire to maximize sales and optimize products can sometimes interfere with sleep, leading to fatigue and decreased productivity. 

Financial Insecurity: As self-employed individuals, we face dealing with unpredictable income, no sick pay, and no holidays. This financial uncertainty can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Isolation and Loneliness: Working alone can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially as friends and family don't understand the challenges of being a Zazzler or know what we do most of the time! They can't share in our wins or sympathize with our losses.

Competition and Copycats: Dealing with competition and copycats can be stressful and demoralizing. Many feel like quitting in the face of this 'whack-a-mole' game.

I'm not the best example of self-care. I often skip meals, have nowhere near enough sleep, and my muscles are wasting. My health conditions are multiplying. Something needs to be done! And I know many of you are in this same boat.

So, what can we do to prioritize our health while maintaining our Zazzle passion? We can start by sharing a little more ... and encouraging each other to get off the damn computer and go take a walk, drink some water, eat!

Feel free to share your high, lows, wins, losses, grumps and groans because no one 'gets it' better than a fellow Zazzle Creator.


And any ideas you have re how we can support eachother, motivate each other to take better care of ourselves is welcomed.